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Amazon - The Methodology- 40x IDIs over 4 markets- UK, FR, SWE and TR
"In some cases, particularly in UK, signing up with MOA was not a conscious decision, but MOA works well for them, and they therefore see no reason to change."
The premise of this project was to find out how we can improve the experience of customers who don’t have an email address attached to their accounts. These account holders are known as Mobile only accounts. Our client were keen to talk directly with customers to fully understand their needs and opinions before making any changes to these accounts. The main takeaways were to understand what aspects these account holders like, and don’t like, as well as to understand their motivations behind only using your mobile number, and to figure out how they can improve the experience to make things easier and better for mobile only accounts.
To understand the current experience of MOA customers and their motivation for not adding their email: - Account creation: What motivated them to register with a mobile number rather than an email address, what were their reasons for this? How did they find the sign-up experience/process? - Current experience: What is their current experience like as a MOA customer - Communications: How do they feel about the current level of communication they receive; do they notice a reduced number of communications? Is there anything they feel they is missing? How would they like to receive communications/updates? Identify if MOAs want to add an email address to their account: - Adding an email address: How would they feel about adding an email address to their account, what are the barriers that would need to be overcome? - What would be the easiest way for them to add an email should they wish to? What would the process look like for these account holders and do we need to identify improvement/optimisation opportunities.
The benefits of signing up with MOA were clear to the majority of respondents. The most common reason for signing up with MOA was ease/convenience, except in France where it was a desire to avoid spam email. In some cases, particularly in UK, signing up with MOA was not a conscious decision, but MOA works well for them, and they therefore see no reason to change. The majority of respondents in all territories are satisfied with the level of communication from the company and indeed note that they appreciate the fact that, unlike other brands, does not contact them unnecessarily. Many only want to receive adequate information on the delivery process (that the order has been placed and when it will arrive). They feel that the current level of communication fulfils this requirement. For the vast majority, from the point where the order is placed to the point where the order is received, there are no gaps in information.