Door-to-door Survey

Our door-to-door survey services allow you to reach where your respondents live or work and get their input from within their own environment.

Door-to-door to market research and survey services totally customised to your needs

Door-to-door surveys and market research involve visiting your respondents where they live or work and obtaining their feedback from within their environment. This enables you to gather information and conduct market research among individuals who are somehow unable to respond through telephone, web interface postal surveys, or by reaching at a central location.

It may also involve interacting with seniors and people who are unable to move outside due to sickness or other reasons. Door-to-door surveys also enable you to reach out to people who are not empowered to move outside freely as it happens in certain communities. It is a form of qualitative research during which questions can be asked at your respondent’s doorstep, preferably face-to-face.

A researcher often has an advantage when approaching a respondent because he or she can strike up a rapport and obtain information where sometimes the respondents are reluctant initially. Convincing abilities can be used which are absent in other non-human forms of data collection and data research. In many cases the recruitment and interviewing happens simultaneously, saving you time and effort.

Door-to-door surveys and interviews can be done using conventional pen and paper or hand-held digital devices such as mobile phones, voice recorders, laptops, tablets and iPads. The benefit of taking down the details of door-to-door surveys using digital devices is that the input is immediately digitised which is not the case when our researchers use pen and paper. In the case of pen and paper, later, someone will have to manually enter the details into computers or a scanner will be used if a scannable questionnaire is prepared.

How FG Connect gives you a sure footing for precise market research through door-to-door interviewing and survey

Being an international research company operating from the UK and the UAE, we have a large contingent of experienced interviewers who are adept at reaching out to hard-to-reach individuals and extract vital information from them. All our employees are trained in the dynamics of human behaviour. They have reassuring demeanours that can instantly put the respondent at ease and enable him or her to provide appropriate answers to critical questions. Our employees have been doing door-to-door research for many years and have developed a specialisation in the field. Once you decide to partner with us we can either prepare our own list of questions based on your input or carry out door-to-door survey completely based on your questions. Although there are many door-to-door survey companies and face-to-face research companies to get you comprehensive personal details FG Connect is one of the few with an international and multicultural exposure. Through our wide reach, our researchers can easily conduct such market research, reach out to the respondents, and make them feel comfortable enough to provide the answers you’re looking for.

Advantages of conducting door-to-door market research and surveys

Listed below are some advantages of carrying out door-to-door surveys

  • A product or service demo can be done at the respondent’s place without the risk of the item not being retrieved.
  • You get to extract the information from the respondent’s environment getting additional data such as living conditions, economic status, number of family members and the neighbourhood (just to name a few).
  • You get a true picture of the respondent instead of talking to him or her on phone or through email.
  • Face-to-face interaction with one of our representatives forces the respondent to stick to the truth.
  • Both verbal and non-verbal cues can be collected and used for deeper and intangible interpretation.
  • Greater focus can be maintained as the interviewer is a professional who is trained at asking the right questions even in the midst of distractions.
  • Unless otherwise, respondents readily provide the information now that the researcher is at their door and nothing much is at stake. Sometimes the respondents even enjoy giving their opinion which helps in collecting the needed data with greater clarity and conviction.

Find out how our market research can help your business grow

Disadvantages of conducting door-to-door surveys

Aside from the fact that the task force is needed for door-to-door visits, there isn’t a major disadvantage of conducting door-to-door surveys and market research. Door-to-door surveys and interviews can be time-consuming as the researchers will have to visit individual households to meet the respondents, probably sit with them for some time, even give a demo of of the product they are trying to seek opinion about, and then ask questions and jot down the answers. Sometimes the respondents are not available during daytime because they have a job. Sometimes they’re simply absent and the interview needs to be rescheduled. Since these interviews don’t happen in a controlled environment, the surroundings may also have an impact on the final outcome of the interview. But then, such factors come into existence in almost all forms of interviews in one way or another.

Looking for a research partner who can carry out detailed door-to-door research and surveys for you? We will be glad to help you. Contact us for more details.

Looking for a research partner who can carry out detailed door-to-door research and surveys for you? We will be glad to help you. Contact us for more details.



Qualitative fieldwork is ideal for deeper understanding of customer opinions, attitudes and motivations for a specific product, service or idea.


Quantitative fieldwork centres on surveying a large volume of people in a structured way to make sure they are representative sample of your target market, so that you have facts and statistics to guide you.


We deliver global services to our clients in the healthcare market research sector, we have developed a panel of over 20,000 healthcare professionals enabling us to deliver large-scale projects in the UK and internationally.


Great job interviewing across the UK

Sebastian Junemann
Peabody Trust

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