In-Store or Exit Interviews

Obtain feedback from your consumers and customers right from within the environment where they are buying and making purchases via in-store, exit interviews.

Use our in-store and exit interview services to better understand your customers when they are in the thick of things

In-store or exit interviews are conducted when your prospective consumers or customers are either in the process of making purchases (whether your products or products from another brand/business), or they have made their purchases and are exiting the establishment. Such a survey or interview is also known as exit survey, customer feedback survey, in-store survey, in-store experience survey and in fact, by many other nomenclatures.

These interviews can be conducted in retail stores or other business establishments where it is crucial to know consumer behaviour when they are actually buying or using a product or service or have just bought or used it. For example, researchers can approach people who are coming out of a restaurant to get customer feedback. This increases customer loyalty and you get qualified customer satisfaction survey data. Types of customers who are interviewed depends on the nature of your business. What sort of survey questions are asked also depend on what information you want to derive and how you intend to use that information.

Exit surveys or intercept surveys are popularly used by retail stores because definitive exit survey questions can be prepared for customers. You can ask about store experience. Retail businesses can find out customer satisfaction level. In-store experience survey can help you know what products they are buying. Within a spa or a salon you can find out which services people use the most and why they use them and if they don’t use certain services, why they don’t use them.

FG Connect can help you conduct in-store interviews and customer exit surveys

Want to get qualified customer feedback and user input for your retail store, restaurant, gas station or health centre? For that matter, any other business place where knowing your consumers better is crucial for your business success? You will find just the right research partners in FG Connect.

Spread across the UK, the USA and the UAE, we have a large team of field workers and researchers we can rapidly mobilise with highly targeted survey questions. We can implement strategic intercept surveys to collect data and consequently, help you improve your product and provide exceptional customer support.

Once you decide to partner with us, the project manager (or multiple project managers, depending on the scale of the project) will closely work with you or your representatives to get a clear perspective of what type of information you are looking for. Accordingly, our researchers will create a list of survey questions that can help you improve customer satisfaction, store experience and your product and consequently, solidify customer loyalty. We can either work from scratch, or we can start building your strategy from one of the survey templates that we already have with us due to our extensive experience, having worked with hundreds of clients.

Find out how our market research can help your business grow

Advantages of conducting in-house or exit surveys

In-house or exit surveys are better than online surveys because when you are getting store experience, if you have worked in retail, you know how valuable their direct experience is. Just when the customer exits, all the experiences he or she has had at your place of business are fresh in his or her mind. If they want to share store experience, just when they are exiting your store or just when they are moving between the aisles, is the most opportune time to put forth your exit survey questions and get the needed answers from them.

Unless you get real-time information through in-store and exit surveys, often it is difficult to know why your sales are decreasing, in case they are decreasing. Is it your products? Is it the way you have organised the shelves or the way you have chosen to highlight certain products or services? Is it your floor plan? Is it product placement? Or is it your staff and floor managers?

Customers and consumers really share these insights unless they are asked. They either simply stop coming or try to spend as little time as possible at your business establishment. Although many customers and consumers these days leave feedback on review websites, you will either have to work hard finding feedback specific to your business, or you will get fuzzy data because you may never know whether they are actually talking about your business or another business.

You don't have to let your customers go dissatisfied, never to come back. Catch them when they are brimming with feedback and opinion and are ready to express themselves. We have the resources. We have a highly trained workforce of researchers. We can deploy our researchers strategically so that they can get the right feedback for you. Contact us today to begin your journey towards understanding your customers better.



Qualitative fieldwork is ideal for deeper understanding of customer opinions, attitudes and motivations for a specific product, service or idea.


Quantitative fieldwork centres on surveying a large volume of people in a structured way to make sure they are representative sample of your target market, so that you have facts and statistics to guide you.


We deliver global services to our clients in the healthcare market research sector, we have developed a panel of over 20,000 healthcare professionals enabling us to deliver large-scale projects in the UK and internationally.


Working with FG Connect is an absolute pleasure they are extremely communicative, flexible and accommodating at all times

Rachael Stefanussen
Boston Consulting Group

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